
An exclusive short film workshop for intentional creatives

July 19-26 2024


Meet the team

I'm so excited to be partnering with my good friend, fellow creator, filmmaker, creator mentor, and brand specialist; Luca Del Vigo on this workshop! In addition to having time exploring and creating with others in the industry; This will be a 8 day workshop and creative adventure all across Cappadocia. Luca and I will be leading workshops and hands on work support days dedicated to helping you establish and execute your short film road map.You will have the opportunity learn from and connect us and other local creators in the industry as we embark on an epic 8 day adventure! We are excited to share our experience as creators, filmmakers, business owners, and honestly just to connect with you as well.

But let me share a little more about who we are:

Lianna Kemmerer

Creator Coach & Mentor, Writer, Travel Curator, Creator, Producer, Podcaster, & Freedive Instructor

I love helping others communicate their message with authenticity and emotion in a way that allows humanity to learn from, be inspired by, and connect with them in an authentic way.

I love creating space for others to passionately pursue humanity and connection, both through intentional travel experiences and in their career as a creative. I love helping my fellow creatives pursue and propel their career to a place of success and sustainability.

I’ve been in business for myself for over 11 years, and have found a balance in using my creative passion, business expertise, and heart for humanity to authentically tell stories, create responsible media, and support my fellow creatives as they establish and scale their own business’s. 

As a creator coach, photographer, travel curator, podcaster, and free dive instructor, my focus remains human connection. I deeply value the impact and power we have when we are able to see the world through another’s eyes; and am grateful to continue creating pieces and projects that are centered on the impact we have in knowing the value in humanity.

- Your fellow human, Lianna

Luca Del Vigo

Filmmaker, Cinematographer, Photographer, & Visual Artist

I'm an Italian-born-and-raised self taught freelance filmmaker with a passion for creating cinematic images, authentic stories, travel, and adventure.

I deliver Commercial Photography and Videography Services for Brands. Based in Sardinia, with a reputation for delivering crisp, visually captivating images with clean editing and a consistent style, I specialize in creating branded content films and mainly focus on the lifestyle, Travel, fashion industry, & Commercial.

I love delivering a project from start to finish as a Filmmaker and Photographer, and helping brands forge a deeper, more genuine relationship with their audience. Getting to create an authentic story and connect it with cinematic visuals is something I'm passionate about doing and getting to share the process with my fellow creatives.

- Luca

So here's the plan!

Day 1 - July Arrive in Cappadocia - Koza Cave Hotel is located in the heart of Cappadocia and boasts the highest rooftop in town. Koza is just a 1.5 hour drive from Kayseri airport. Plan to arrive by 5 pm to give yourself time to settle into your room and meet your roommate before our official welcome dinner and welcome activities begin at 630.

Day 2 - Days in Cappadocia start early, we will begin our day before the sun meeting nice and close right on the roof of our hotel! A morning shoot, time to take in the magic of Cappadocia and a beautiful breakfast to follow right at the hotel. After breakfast we will head to Dalton Brothers Ranch to shoot with and meet the horses. One of my favorite spots in Cappadocia by far! The middle of the day is both HOT and bright, so it is a perfect time to have our workshops and lunch. We will meet back up for lunch followed by our first workshop on CREATING A STORYBOARD: FROM CONCEPTION TO INCEPTION. Every workshop will be followed by Shoot Chats Intentional time to discuss, support, plan, and collaborate for what you are working on. Our workshop will be followed by some free time to rest, explore the town, or take a dip in the pool before meeting back up at 5 to head out for our evening sunset shoot at Rose Valley! Each of our shoots are being curated with the help of my good friend, local creator, and owner of Koza Hotel, Sam Dural. After our evening shoots we will have dinner close by the hotel, spend some time planning for the morning shoot and then.. time to rest.



Day 3 - This is a big one, we will be leaving the hotel early as he head to Turquaz Balloon headquarters to take our very own flight! There's nothing like being in the air with 150+ balloons as the sun rises. After our flight we will head back to Dalton Brothers Ranch (in a desire to care for the horses and insure everyone gets a chance to shoot we will have 3 total visits to the ranch.) After our shoots we will have breakfast back at Koza followed by some time to rest and edit if you like before such and our days workshop. Lunch and our second workshop on ADAPTATION: CONTROLLING THE NARRATIVE WITH UNFORESEEN VARIABLES. Our Shoot Chat and afternoon chill time will be up next, before meeting back up at 5 to head out for the evenings sunset vintage car shoot! We will wrap the evening up with dinner and the next days shoot plan.

Day 4 - Sleep in... well to a normal time if you like, we will start the day with breakfast before heading to a local potter (shh this ones not on the map for the public,) where we will get to shoot and watch a master at work as the light and he put on a show worth capturing. After we will get lunch in town before heading back to Koza for a WORK AND SUPPORT. This will be a time to work on your team projects, get hands on support from us and have open space for questions. There will be afternoon time to rest or soak up the pool before heading out to our sunset shoot at an undisclosed and dusty location around 430. After our evening shoot we will have dinner close by the hotel, spend some time planning for the morning shoot and then.. time to rest.



Day 5 - Today we start before the balloons as we will be chasing. The launch site which you will have seen by now is just as magical as the actual flight. Prepare for a bumpy and exciting morning and be ready to move locations when we give you the word! After our morning shoot we will head back to Koza for breakfast and some down time. We will meet back up again around 10 to head into town and visit one of the beautiful carpet shops, a spot to shoot and take in this ancient art. After our shoot we will grab lunch in town before heading back to Koza for our next workshop; STORYLINES AND PRODUCTION:CREATING A TOPIC, WRITING A SCRIPT. Our Shoot Chat will follow, and then time to rest before meeting up for our evening sunset shoot (think field vibes.) We will wrap the evening with dinner together nearby the hotel.

Day 6 -   Wake up early for a rooftop shoot or get a few extra hours of rest as you wish, after breakfast we will head back to Dalton Brothers for our final shoot with the horses. After our morning shoots there will be some time to rest before meeting up for lunch and our second WORK AND SUPPORT time. The rest of the afternoon will be open to hangout, explore the town, edit, or use as you wish. Our evening will be spent right at Koza soaking up the sunset views from the rooftop bar, hanging out, and having time to just connect.


The land of horses

Day 7 - Our last morning shoot will be spent chasing the launch site of the balloons again, we want to be sure you have the opportunity to experience everything Cappadocia has to offer without feeling rushed or pressed for time as best we can. After our morning shoot we will head back to Koza for breakfast and some time to hangout and rest. We will meet back up late morning for one last shoot in the nearby landscape before heading back to town for lunch and a full afternoon to spend as you wish! Our last evening will be spent in one of the most beautiful valleys in Cappadocia over a private farewell dinner and closing activities.

Day 8 - Enjoy the rooftop view and breakfast one last morning as we say our goodbyes and head home

What is a positive impact we will have during this trip?

One of the most important things we can do not just as a creative or a traveler, but as a human; is to leave a positive impact on the places and cultures that we visit. This is something that we will be getting to do on this trip as well; as you know a heartbreaking earthquake struck Turkey just last year and many are still suffering and struggling to find a way forward. A portion of the proceeds from this trip will go directly to a vetted local organization that is dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of those affected by this tragedy.


How much does it cost and when is it? - The trip will be July, 19-26 total cost is $3350 USD with a $850 non refundable deposit required to reserve your spot

What's included? - This is an amazing and all inclusive way to visit Cappadocia, and connect with and learn from other leading creators in the industry, cost includes your stay at the famous Koza Cave Hotel, all workshops, shoot sets, activity costs, welcome dinner and farewell dinner, and all itinerary location entry fees.

Who is this trip for? - If you are a filmmaker, content creator, photographer, videographer, or growing as a filmmaker we would love to have you along!

What do I need to do? - Head to the registration form and grab your spot! Once you're accepted in you will receive all the info you need to book your flight, and be added to the team for the pre trip connect and Q & A calls.

What should I pack? - Once you are booked in, your pre trip packet will include a complete packing list of recommendations, what entry and visa requirements are needed, and some other recommendations for what to and not to bring.

How do I claim my spot ? - Just tap the link below to claim your spot, drop any additional questions you might have in the link, and your all set!

How many spots are available ? - This workshop is extremely limited and curated to insure that we are able to provide an intentional and supportive experience for our fellow creators. We also deeply value an intimate group that allows for a cohesive and community focused space for those joining us; as a result, we will only be accepting 8 applicants to join the team for this workshop.

Can I bring brand work to shoot during the trip? - We will have plenty of time to shoot, and focus on building out a short film. If you would like to bring work along to shoot you are more than welcome but we ask that you let us know and that the planned workshop take priority during our time and does not distract from the others on the team. That being said, Luca and I are here to support you along the way with any info you might need to send out any pre trip brand pitches, opportunities to connect with the rest of the team to collaborate, and to support you during the trip in any way we can!


Are you in?

Ready to apply and connect with us now? Just complete the application form below and we will be in touch!

And if you have any questions at all just let us know in the form below!